Harm Reduction International Blog
Harm Reduction is a requirement of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
06 November 2012
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has confirmed its view that harm reduction is a child rights requirement. Read more
Access to Legal Aid for People Who Use Drugs on UN agenda
29 October 2012
World leaders gathered at the UN General Assembly’s 67th session in New York last week to discuss strengthening the rule of law. In the midst of this discussion, the Third Committee (which deals with humanitarian and social affairs) adopted the draft UN Principles on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems . Within them, drug users are… Read more
'Ireland considering the Swedish model against prostitution? Maybe not after all' by Louise Persson
29 October 2012
A surprisingly mixed crowd gathered on the 13th of October in Dublin at the Department of Justice for a conference to discuss the future of Irish prostitution policy and law. Read more
Commonwealth countries should take steps to repeal discriminatory laws that impede effective HIV responses
19 September 2012
Commonwealth countries should take steps to repeal discriminatory laws that impede effective HIV responses. Commonwealth Ministers of Foreign Affairs will meet on 29 September in New York to decide whether the Commonwealth will show leadership to reform outdated laws. Your support is needed to make sure they do. Criminalizing people… Read more
Existing drugs laws are harmful to individuals, communities and countries - Joint op-ed by HRI and the International Federation of the Red Cross
14 August 2012
Do no harm and protect people from injustice. These are the basic principles of the Hippocratic Oath, which is taken by doctors all over the world. Within these principles are the fundamental concepts of impartiality, humanity, equity and fairness which should underpin public policy. They also reflect the humanitarian foundations upon which the… Read more
Serbian Priest Kills Drug User 
08 August 2012
A Serbian Orthodox Church priest has killed a man at a rehab centre, reviving memories of brutal beatings at a church run addiction treatment centre in the country. Read more
Harm reduction in a Malaysian fishing village - a slideshow
07 August 2012
A short slideshow depicting a needle and syringe programme operating within a Malaysian fishing community. Read more
Somebody’s mother, somebody’s brother 
07 August 2012
A new short film by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance captures the difference that harm reduction programmes can make to people's lives. Read more
Michel Kazatchkine's 2012 AIDS Conference Speech - The twin epidemics of HIV and drug use
24 July 2012
Michel Kazatchkine has delivered a powerful speech at the International AIDS Conference in Washington this week, calling for urgent drug policy reform and increased access to harm reduction services in order to meet international targets on HIV prevention. Read more
Harm Reduction International Statement on Women at the 17th Plenary Meeting - 20th session of the UN Human Rights Council
28 June 2012
(Agenda item 2 & 3 – General Discussion on the rights of women) Thank you Mr President, June 26 is the UN day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. If previous years are anything to go by it would be marked by death sentences being passed in some of the thirty-two countries that retain the death penalty for drug offences. The… Read more
Recent Posts
- Harm Reduction is a requirement of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Access to Legal Aid for People Who Use Drugs on UN agenda
- 'Ireland considering the Swedish model against prostitution? Maybe not after all' by Louise Persson
- Commonwealth countries should take steps to repeal discriminatory laws that impede effective HIV responses
- Existing drugs laws are harmful to individuals, communities and countries - Joint op-ed by HRI and the International Federation of the Red Cross
Recent Comments
- Francostars: Prohibition is the water of Mafia fish and it is better to avoid it. Moreover the politics must…
- 4mothernature2: This is very progressive, albeit unsupported in the United States. Might I suggest juvenile and…
- ja60: The Malaysian Needles Exchange Program team has done great job.Since the pilot NSEP program many…
- Syed Zulfiqar Hussain: Well;;;! I understand that accountability is more important then others: Syed Zulfiqar Hussain…
- Gart Valenc: The concept of "harm reduction" needs to be expanded to include the harms caused by criminalising…
Harm Reduction, Drug Policy & Human Rights Links
- International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy
- Drugs, Law and Conflict Blog
- INPUD International Diaries blog
- CNDblog - monitoring the 52nd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- ACLU Drug Reform Blog
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Drug War Peace
- Human Rights Watch
- International Drug Policy Consortium
- International Harm Reduction Association
- International Harm Reduction Development
- Release - Drugs, The Law and Human Rights
- Transform Drug Policy Foundation blog
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